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“If I can talk to other kids who can understand what I am going through, then I don’t have to feel embarrassed when I talk to other kids who don’t understand”.   ~R.S.


Divorce is hard on children.

Having a maladaptive parent, can be devastating.

In addition to managing all the confusion and emotion
that comes with divorce, children with a high-conflict parent are faced with an additional struggle - the challenge of being in the care of a parent who is not able to meet the child’s emotional or psychological needs - not because the high-conflict parent doesn’t want to. But simply because they do not have the capacity to.

All children have the same basic emotional needs. They all need to feel safe and secure, be seen, be heard, feel like they belong, feel free express their feelings and have those feeling validated.

Children who are spending time with the maladaptive parent however, in addition to already feeling confused and torn between their parents, can also feel unseen, unheard, undermined, invalidated, be on the receiving end of coercive control and manipulation, and struggle with a sense of belonging and worthiness.

It is so very important then, for the healthy parent to be able to support these children in a way that can minimize the negative effects of what they experience, and unfortunately will continue to experience for the duration of their relationship with the high-conflict parent. 

One way to do that, is by connecting these children to other children going through the same thing. 

It is important for children to recognize that they are not alone in what they are experiencing and feeling, and that what is happening to them is truly NOT their fault in any way.

Welcome to Team Brave!

A space for children, ages 7-11 to connect with others like them, chat and PLAY!

A space for kids to Belong and just be KIDS!



Children can connect with others, build friendships and support each other in a space that facilitates a sense of community, connection and belonging.

No Expectations.

No Judgement. 

A place for our children to be accepted for who they are, free to be themselves, and know how important and valued they truly are.

Contact for more info

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